The Posh Prepper Sequel: Pre-Order Now!

The Posh Prepper Sequel: Pre-Order Now!

Hello friend!

I wanted to share exciting news: I’ve finished plotting the sequel to The Posh Prepper and started writing!

The book is called The Dread Merchant, and it’s available for pre-order now: Pre-Order The Dread Merchant on Amazon.

I set the release date for November 2024 (to give myself plenty of breathing room), but I expect it to be available much sooner. If you pre-order now, Amazon will send you the book the moment it’s released.

I’ve spent the last four months researching, plotting, and refining, and I’m delighted with how the story has taken shape. Nick and his family need each other now more than ever, because something big is coming their way...


Before writing a book, I create a giant storyboard so I can visualize all the story elements and easily make changes. This allows me to do extensive research, go deep in every character’s head, and tie everything together before I write a single word. Such detailed planning leads to a tighter story and a faster writing process.

For example, here’s a small sample of my storyboard for The Posh Prepper:

The columns (running left to right) are chapters, and the cards are key moments within each chapter. The first column, “Setup (Client Meeting),” is the chapter where Nick meets with Governor Sutton and Marty Kettenbach. The chapters then progress through to “Debate (Brian’s House),” where Nick and T.J. Chandra first meet their escape pilot, Brian Donahue.

I took the same approach with The Dread Merchant, and as of right now, the story is clocking in at 48 chapters and 794 cards—no wonder it took four months to storyboard!


On top of story planning, it’s been a busy few months at home:

Our baby is now eight months old, and he’s the smiliest dude I’ve ever seen. As long as he’s fed, he smiles ear-to-ear and lets out a giant chirp every time he sees someone. And if he’s not fed, well, you better go get his bottle right now.

My older son is two and a half, and he’s talking up a storm. He loves telling stories, and everyone in his world is a fascinating character—the post-office man, the delivery man, the nature-center lady, and, of course, the library lady!

Between the kiddos and my full-time job, it’s been tough to focus on writing. But not a day goes by that I don’t steal a few minutes to jot down inspiration: a character, a moment, a line.

Inch by inch, it’s coming together. And if, for now, writing needs to fit into the little cracks of life, so be it. In the end, it’ll be worth it.


I’m beyond excited. Just like The Posh Prepper, there are some incredibly powerful moments in The Dread Merchant that I can’t stop thinking about. I can’t wait to share them with you :)

Thank you for reading, reviewing, recommending, and reaching out—I can’t tell you how much it all means to me.

With gratitude,
